I just love my current manicure! I think it is super cute and special :D The 3-D flowers are made using two-tone beads (pink and purple) which is why I'm very proud of them. I found out you can only do this if you're using good quality products, especially monomer (acrylic liquid).
I'm also proud of the fact that my right hand came out more than satisfying! <3
Pur si simplu ador manichiura mea din acest moment! Cred ca e super draguta si deosebita :D Florile 3-D sunt facute cu bilute in doua culori (roz si mov), de aceea sunt foarte mandra de ele. Am descoperit ca poti face acest lucru numai daca folosesti produse de calitate buna, in mod special monomer (lichid acrylic).
Sunt mandra si de faptul ca mana mea dreapta a iesit mai mult decat satisfacator! <3
To achieve this result you need a good quality brush, products and lots of practice. I wrote a post about 3-D nail art, you might want to check that out if you want to try this style - How to: 3-D acrylic!. I also edited that post to include a video on how to make the "precious stone". Oh and you will also find a Keroppi nail art video in which you will see how to make perfect acrylic hearts <3
Ca sa ajungi la acest rezultat ai nevoie de o pensula si produse de buna calitate si multa practica. Am scris o postare despre arta 3-D pe unghii, recomand sa te uiti pe ea daca vrei sa incerci acest stil - Cum sa faci: acryl 3-D!. De asemenea, am editat acea postare ca sa includa un video despre cum sa faci "piatra pretioasa". Oh si vei gasi si un video despre un design cu Keroppi in care poti vedea si cum sa faci inimioare perfecte din acryl <3
The powder colours I used are: opaque neon pink, pastel turquoise and purple, metallic purple glitter (for the middle of the flowers), iridescent white glitter (for the stones and scattered little beads) and transparent lilac (for the stones).
Culorile de pudre pe care le-am folosit sunt: roz neon, turcoaz pastel si mov, toate trei opace, glitter metalic mov (pentru mijlocul florilor), glitter alb iridescent (pentru pietre si bilutele imprastiate) si liliachiu transparent (pentru pietre).
Because last week I kept my nails with basecoat only, I didn't notice their growth. I decided not to take a photo of them naked because I thought they look the same as they did a week ago. I'm surely going to be surprised when I remove this manicure :))
Pentru ca saptamana trecuta mi-am tinut unghiile doar cu baza, nu le-am observat cresterea. Am decis sa nu le fac poza fara oja pentru ca mi s-a parut ca arata la fel ca acum o saptamana. In mod sigur voi fi surprinsa cand imi dau jos aceasta manichiura :))
Hope you like this design as much as I do! Have a great day!
Sper ca iti place acest design la fel de mult ca mie! O zi frumoasa!
cat de dragute suuuuunt <3
ReplyDeleteYay, multumesc mult :*
DeleteOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm in loveeeeeeee!!!:x Deci e supeba , superba manichiura!!!! Geniala , perfecta!!!! :D Bravo!
ReplyDelete:))) haha multumesc :D si mie imi place mult ce-a iesit!
DeleteSunt pur si simplu superbe iar florile ti-au iesit genial!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc! :*:*
DeleteManichiura ta e pur si simplu bestiala :X, o ador si floricele au iesit superb :*
ReplyDeletesuperbe! le ador :X
ReplyDeleteExtra-super-mega frumoasa manichiura ta,o iubesc <3
ReplyDeleteMultumesc fetele! :D Era si timpul sa mai scot si eu ceva decent :))
ReplyDeleteCat de frumoasa este:) Mai ales inelarul este minunat!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc! :*