Since the day I discovered Japanese nail art, I've been super-obsessed with it!! And finding Crea's site didn't help at all! Crea is a Japanese nail salon, that's all I know about them. Prepare to be amazed by their creations! Here is a link to their photo gallery -
As you can see, the nails are long and extremely heavy decorated. I adore this style!!
My design is also inspired by the lovely Cuteglitternails on Youtube who btw, is having this awesome giveaway going on (see here- Nail Art Video Contest, video comment Facebook and Instagram giveaway 35K subbies). I will show you my video entry in a few days :D
Astazi am sa-ti arat unul dintre design-urile mele preferate din toate timpurile!!! L-am purtat in toamna lui 2012, cand aveam unghiile super lungi si ascutite.
Din ziua in care am descoperit arta pe unghii in stil japonez, am fost super obsedata de ea!! Si faptul ca am gasit site-ul celor de la Crea nu m-a ajutat deloc! Crea este un salon japonez de unghii, aceasta este tot ce stiu despre ei. Pregateste-te sa fii uimita de creatiile lor! Aici este un link la galeria lor de poze -
Dupa cum vezi, unghiile sunt lungi si foarte decorate. Ador acest stil!!
Design-ul meu este inspirat si de minunata Cuteglitternails de pe Youtube care apropo, are un giveaway genial in desfasurare (vezi aici -Nail Art Video Contest, video comment Facebook and Instagram giveaway 35K subbies). O sa-ti arat clipul cu care particip in cateva zile :D
Of course, I couldn't forget my phone <3
Bineinteles, nu puteam uita de telefonul meu <3
Aren't they the cutest things? :D Let me tell you how I did them.
The base of this design was inspired by the video below from Cuteglitternails. I loved the gradient french manicure and I tried it too but it's very slightly visible because I didn't have the right polish colours :( What can I say about the Hello Kitty? Absolutely gorgeous!!! This was the very first time I sculpted 3-D pieces. It is true those are very easy to do but I'm still proud of myself. You can see the french manicure has a less curved smile line - it was done exclusively with the nail polish brush. I was too lazy to get the detail brush out :P You can check out my post about how to do perfect french manicures here - A perfect french manicure - how to achieve it.
I did the kitties over a plastic foil I put on my nails. After the acrylic has hardened, I popped them off and stuck them on using topcoat. It is actually better to do them directly on your nail, they come off easier. Everything you see in this design has been stuck on with topcoat and they lasted for almost a week. The trick is to press them firmly when applying them.
Nu sunt cele mai dragute? :D Hai sa-ti zic cum le-am facut.
Baza design-ului a fost inspirata de clipul de mai jos de la Cuteglitternails. Am adorat french-ul in degradeu si l-am incercat si eu dar se vede foarte putin pentru ca nu am avut culorile potrivite de oja :( Ce pot sa spun despre Hello Kitty? Absolut geniala!!! Aceasta a fost prima data cand am sculptat piese 3-D. Este adevarat ca acestea sunt usor de facut dar tot sunt mandra de mine. Poti observa ca french-ul are o linie de zambet mai putin curbata - a fost facut exclusiv cu pensula de la oja. Mi-a fost prea lene sa scot pensula pentru detalii :P Poti vedea postarea despre cum sa faci manichiuri french perfecte aici - O manichiura french perfecta - cum sa o obtii.
Am facut pisicutele pe o folie de plastic pe care am pus-o peste unghie. Dupa ce s-a intarit acrylul, le-am desprins si le-am lipit cu topcoat. Este de fapt mai bine sa le faci direct pe unghie, se scot mai usor. Tot ce vezi in acest design a fost lipit cu topcoat si au rezistat aproape o saptamana. Smecheria este sa le apesi ferm cand le aplici.
The other things I used to complete this design are: different sizes and colours rhinestones, different sizes and colours pearls, blue and green glitter slices, small stars and hearts spangles and pearl hearts. Everything was bought off Ebay. The pink hearts were made using moulds. I forgot to include the pearl hearts in the photo :(
Celelalte lucruri pe care le-am folosit ca sa completez design-ul sunt: diferite marimi si culori de pietricele, diferite marimi si culori de perlute, glitter albastru si verde sub forma de fire, stelute si inimioare mici de plastic si inimioare din perlute. Totul a fost cumparat de pe Ebay. Inimioarele roz au fost facute cu matrite. Am uitat sa fotografiez si inimioarele din perlute :(
Hope you like this design as much as I did!! It was super fun to do and wear! Oh, and by that time, I was super used to wearing 3-D on my nails so I could even wash my hair with them and everything was fine ;)
Sper sa-ti placa acest design la fel de mult cum mi-a placut mie!! A fost super distractiv de facut si purtat! Oh, si la vremea aceea, eram super obisnuita sa port chestii 3-D pe unghii asa ca mi-am putut spala si parul cu ele si totul a fost ok ;)
Sper sa-ti placa acest design la fel de mult cum mi-a placut mie!! A fost super distractiv de facut si purtat! Oh, si la vremea aceea, eram super obisnuita sa port chestii 3-D pe unghii asa ca mi-am putut spala si parul cu ele si totul a fost ok ;)
Super! Ador stilul tau nonconformist :D
ReplyDeleteMultumesc mult Madalina! :*
DeleteAi facut o "hello kitty " perfectaaaa!:D
ReplyDeleteNici chiar asa :P are nasul cam mare dar daca ar fi sa o fac acum chiar as iesi perfecta! :D
DeleteWow, ma uimesti de fiecare data cu modelele realizate de tine, imi plac la nebunie :X
ReplyDeleteYay, ma bucur enorm ca iti plac asa mult :D
Deletemmm, so cute and sweet and adorable!