November 17, 2014

Review Sparitual Hunk Of Burnin' Love + sexiest nails I have ever had!

Today I've got a premiere for you. This is the first time I paint my long nails red. I was never attracted to these classic nail colours but this time, I wanted SEXY nails! =D

Astazi am o premiera pentru tine. Este prima oara cand imi fac unghiile lungi rosii. Nu am fost niciodata atrasa de culorile clasice pentru unghii dar de aceasta data, am vrut unghii SEXY! =D

For the design, I was inspired by this photo I've seen in a magazine. Unfortunately, I don't know who did these nails but the photographer is Peter Rosa

Pentru design, am fost inspirata de aceasta fotografie pe care am vazut-o intr-o revista. Din pacate, nu stiu cine a facut aceste unghii dar fotograful este Peter Rosa.

For this manicure I used a gorgeous nail polish - Sparitual's Hunk Of Burnin' Love. This is a super sexy pure red with a cream finish. It is opaque in two coats and dries fast. Although it does have a high shine by itself, I recommend always applying topcoat to prolongue the wear of the manicure. I am wearing gel polish topcoat. I also used silver studs, 1.5 and 2 milimetre ones.

Pentru aceasta manichiura am folosit o oja superba - nuanta Hunk Of Burnin' Love de la Sparitual. Este un rosu pur super sexy cu un finish lucios. Este opaca in doua straturi si se usuca repede. Desi are un luciu puternic, recomand sa aplici intotdeauna topcoat pentru a prelungi tinuta manichiurii. Eu port topcoat semipermanent. Am folosit de asemenea tinte argintii, de 1.5 si 2 milimetri.

I dropped the idea of wearing gel polish colour as the brand I have removes quite difficult and I don't want to have to always buff my nails in order to remove it completely. Over-buffing will thin the nail. I decided to wear two coats of gel polish basecoat, regular polish and gel polish topcoat (I applied this after the regular polish had completely dried overnight). This way, when I change my manicure, I will only remove the topcoat and the regular polish. The basecoat will always stay on and I will have to buff it a little before applying a new coat on the whole nail.

 Am renuntat la ideea de a purta oja semipermanenta pentru ca marca pe care o am se indeparteaza cam dificil si nu vreau sa fiu nevoita tot timpul sa-mi slefuiesc unghiile pentru a o indeparta complet. Slefuirea in exces subtiaza unghiile. Am decis sa port doua straturi de baza semipermanenta, oja normala si topcoat semipermanent (l-am aplicat dupa uscarea completa a ojei normale peste noapte). In acest mod, cand imi schimb manichiura, voi indeparta doar topcoat-ul si oja normala. Baza va ramane pe unghie si nu voi avea decat sa o slefuiesc putin inainte de a aplica un strat nou pe toata unghia.

As for my naked nails, I only have this photo which I also posted on my business page (with a different watermark haha) to show my clients and potential clients that it is possible to have long and healthy natural nails. This was done after I removed my gel polish.

Cat despre unghiile mele fara oja, am doar aceasta poza pe care am postat-o si pe pagina afacerii mele (cu un watermark diferit haha) ca sa le arat clientelor si potentialelor cliente ca este posibil sa ai unghii naturale lungi si sanatoase. A fost facuta dupa ce mi-am indepartat oja semipermanenta. 

I am quite happy about my nails. The cold season has come and if you want your nails to survive, you have to keep your hands and fingers as warm as possible. Wear gloves, massage them often... also try not to hit your nails as they are less flexible now and they might break easier. 

Sunt destul de incantata de unghiile mele. Sezonul rece a venit si daca vrei ca unghiile tale sa supravietuiasca, trebuie sa iti mentii mainile si degetele cat de calde se poate. Poarta manusi, maseaza-le des... de asemenea incearca sa nu-ti lovesti unghiile pentru ca sunt mai putin flexibile acum si s-ar putea rupe mai usor.

I can't wait to do my next manicure! I already have ideas :D See you!

Abia astept sa-mi fac urmatoarea manichiura! Deja am idei :D Pe curand!

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