December 03, 2014

Christmas gemstones

I know it is a bit early for a Christmas design but I had to do this on my nails so I can post an offer on my business page :) I am extremely pleased with how these turned out, considering it is the first time I make this kind of "gemstones" on my nails.

Stiu ca este putin cam devreme pentru un design de Craciun dar a trebuit sa mi-l fac pe unghii ca sa pot posta o oferta pe pagina afacerii mele :) Sunt extrem de incantata cum au iesit, avand in vedere ca este prima data cand imi fac acest gen de "pietre pretioase" pe unghii.

I don't know if you believe me, but these decorations are extremely easy to do ;) I started by applying a coat of gel polish basecoat. After curing it, I did a French manicure using the gorgeous "Earth matters" from SpaRitual. In order to stress the curve of the smile line, I did the french tip a bit smaller than the length of my free edge (see photo). The free edge is not visible in the final manicure as I added a thin line of Zoya's Ziv (a gorgeous true gold with copper flakies). Love this type of French!

Nu stiu daca ma crezi dar aceste decoratiuni sunt extrem de usor de facut ;) Am inceput prin a aplica un strat de baza de oja semipermanenta. Dupa ce am polimerizat-o, am facut o manichiura french folosind superba nuanta "Earth matters" de la SpaRitual. Ca sa obtin o curbura mai accentuata a linii de zambet, am facut varful putin mai mic decat lungimea marginii mele libere (vezi poza). Marginea libera nu este vizibila in manichiura finala pentru ca am adaugat o linie subtire de oja nuanta Ziv de la Zoya (un auriu superb cu fulgisori culoarea cuprului). Ador acest tip de french!

As for the gems, they were done using caviar beads, some kind of mylar (photo and step-by-step below), red glitter powder and a white-gold iridescent glitter acrylic powder. I used gel polish topcoat to stick the caviar beads to the nail, then I stuck the mylar bits on using clear acrylic powder, then I applied a bit of red and white-gold glitter, then I used clear acrylic powder to give volume to the gem. On the gem nails, I also drew with gold polish some thingies inspired by Ekaterina Miroshnicenko's designs. I applied topcoat on and around the gem using a thin brush. You can check out more gem ideas in this video - Nail Art ~ EASY Step-By-Step For Creating Beautiful Realistic Gemstones.

Cat despre pietre, au fost facute cu bilute caviar, bucati de folii (poza si step-by-step mai jos), glitter pudra rosu si acryl cu glitter alb-auriu iridescent. Am folosit topcoat semipermanent ca sa lipesc bilutele caviar pe unghie, apoi am lipit bucatile de folie folosind pudra de acryl transparent, apoi am aplicat putin glitter rosu si alb-auriu, apoi am folosit pudra acrylica transparenta ca sa dau volum pietrei. Pe unghiile cu pietre, am desenat cu oja aurie si niste chestiute inspirate de design-urile Ekaterinei Miroshnicenko. Am aplicat topcoat pe si pe langa piatra folosind o pensula subtire. Poti sa vezi mai multe idei de pietre in acest video -  Nail Art ~ EASY Step-By-Step For Creating Beautiful Realistic Gemstones.

About my nails: yes, I shortened them! I was sick of them as they had ugly curves and I also wanted to get rid of the acrylic I had on one of them. I really like the shape I gave them - it's a roundish square :D I forgot to take a pic of them without polish but they look fab :P

Despre unghiile mele: da, le-am scurtat! Ma saturasem de ele pentru ca aveau curburi urate si voiam si sa scap de acrylul pe care il aveam pe una din ele. Chiar imi place forma pe care le-am dat-o - este un patrat oarecum rotunjit :D Am uitat sa le fac o poza fara oja dar arata super :P

Hope you liked this design. See you soon! x

Sper ca ti-a placut acest design! Pe curand! x


  1. Ce frumos este modelul si cat de usor pare sa faci decoratiunea, dar parca vad ca nu e asa usor :))

    1. Surprinzator, asta este un model care nu doar pare ca este usor, chiar este :)) :* Sa incerci, daca nu ai acryl se poate face si din gel (de fapt asa se fac de obicei).

  2. ce faine is:D am sa fac si eu un model, dar n-am inspiratie :* imi plac la nebunie ale tale in schimb, acum parca imi pare rau ca mi-am schimbat forma la ale mele :(

  3. I really love the images and your information, i will defiantly apply in me business
    Nail X


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