November 26, 2012

Tropical paradise/ Paradis tropical

This was a much-appreciated manicure of mine. I had my nails long and round-shaped. I was inspired by some videos I saw on Youtube and then I searched images with tropical sunsets :D
This nail art design uses only acrylic paints on a white polish base. You will also need a flat top brush and a very thin one. When painting with acrylics it's best to use brushes with synthetic bristles (they are stiffer than the natural ones and easier to control).
I was too lazy to paint the same design on my right hand too and also got bored so I thought of something else. I wanted to try a technique I had seen on Youtube. It's a rainbow but you only use three colours - layer them and they will form the others :)

Aceasta a fost o manichiura de-a mea foarte apreciata. Aveam unghiile lungi si pilite rotund. Am fost inspirata de cateva clipuri pe care le-am vazut pe Youtube si dupa aceea am cautat peisaje cu apusuri tropicale :D
Acest model foloseste doar culori acrilice pe o baza de oja alba. Vei avea nevoie de asemenea de o pensula cu varful taiat drept si de una foarte subtire. Cand pictezi cu acrilice este bine sa folosesti pensule din par sintetic (e mai rigid decat cel natural si mai usor de controlat).
 Am fost prea lenesa sa pictez acelasi lucru pe dreapta si ma si plictisisem asa ca m-am gandit la altceva. Voiam sa incerc o tehnica vazuta pe Youtube. E un curcubeu dar folosesti doar trei culori - le pui una peste alta si vor forma pe celelalte :)

                                                               Products and tools

You need a white polish, a black polish, pink, yellow and blue neon polishes, red, yellow, turquoise, black and white acrylic paints and purple watercolour.
As for tools, a flat top brush, a thin one (both synthetic hair), a dotting tool and some pieces of sponge will do the job. There will be a post about nail art tools (photos included) and where to get them. You can't really do beautiful nail art without some good quality tools ;)

                                                                Produse si ustensile

Ai nevoie de o oja neagra, una alba, trei oje neon - albastra, galbena si roz, culoare acrilica in culorile rosu, galben, turcoaz, alb, negru si acuarela mov.
Cat despre ustensile, o pensula plata cu varful taiat drept, una subtire (ambele cu par sintetic), un instrument pentru puncte si cateva bucatele de burete vor face treaba. O sa scriu o postare despre ustensile (cu poze incluse)  pentru arta pe unghii si de unde sa le cumperi. Nu prea poti face modele frumoase daca nu ai niste scule de buna calitate ;)

                                                                How it's made Cum se face

The  tropical beach sunset Apusul pe plaja tropicala

1.a) After your basecoat has dried, paint all of your nails white (use two coats). Don't worry if you've got imperfections. This is only to make the colours appear brighter and it will be totally covered.
    b) Dupa ce ti s-a uscat baza, aplica oja alba in doua straturi pe toate unghiile. Nu te ingrijora daca are imperfectiuni. E doar ca sa para culorile mai vii si va fi complet acoperita.

2. a) Wet your flat top brush (not too much), pick up some turquoise and paint the sea with the horizon line a little curved on the free edge of your nails, kind of like a french manicure. Make it fully opaque.
    b) Umezeste pensula cu parul taiat drept (nu foarte mult), ia putin turcoaz si picteaza marea  cu linia orizontului putin curbata pe marginea libera a unghiei, cam ca o manichiura french. Fa-o complet opaca.

3. a) Mix yellow with a little red to make a nice orange. Thin it a little with water and put it just above the sea til approximately halfway from the sea to your cuticle.
    b) Amesteca galben cu putin rosu ca sa faci un portocaliu dragut. Dilueaza-l putin cu apa si pune-l fix deasupra marii pana la aproximativ jumatatea drumului dintre mare si cuticula.

4. a) Before the nice orange has dried put the red above it and blend them a bit. Make sure there are no harsh lines. The colours have to fade one into the other as much as possible.
    b) Inainte sa se usuce portocaliul dragut pune rosu deasupra lui si amesteca-le putin. Asigura-te ca nu sunt linii dure. Culorile trebuie sa se piarda una intr-alta cat de mult posibil.

5. a) Again, before the orange has dried, put a small amount of diluted yellow over it where the sun will be. Blend it a bit into the orange. Fill the rest of the nail up to the cuticle with red. Wait for it to dry thoroughly.
    b) Din nou, inainte sa se usuce portocaliul, pune putin galben diluat peste el acolo unde va fi soarele. Amesteca-l putin prin portocaliu. Umple restul unghiei cu rosu pana la cuticula . Asteapta sa se usuce bine.

6. a) Wet your brush, swirl it in the purple watercolour and dab near the cuticle. Make it appear like clouds.
    b) Umezeste-ti pensula, roteste-o in acuarela mov si tapoteaza langa cuticula. Fa-o sa arate ca niste nori.

 7. a) Get your thin brush and using yellow draw a big sun going into the sea on the middle of the horizon line. If you need more than one layer of colour to make it opaque, wait for the first one to dry. With a little, little bit of diluted white draw the reflection of the sun in the water. Don't do its edges in a straight line. Look closely at the photo. Take a teeny bit of diluted yellow and put it over the white in a few places. I see I have completely forgotten about this when I recreated my design - on the sides of the sea, use a little deeper blue in order to give it some depth. This is visible in the first photos of the post.
    b) Cu pensula subtire si cu galben deseneaza un soare mare pe linia de orizont care se scufunda in mare. Daca ai nevoie de mai mult de un strat de culoare ca sa fie opac, astepta ca primul sa se usuce. Cu foarte putin alb diluat deseneaza reflexia soarelui in apa. Nu-i fa marginile drepte. Uita-te cu atentie la poza. Ia o cantitate mica, mica de galben diluat si pune-o peste alb in cateva locuri. Vad ca am uitat complet acest lucru atunci cand am recreat design-ul - pe marginile marii, foloseste putin albastru mai inchis ca sa-i dai mai multa adancime. Acest detaliu este vizibil in primele poze ale postarii.

8. a) With your thin brush draw the shape of a palm tree with five branches.Draw little leaves on the branches with the very tip of your brush. If you want to, add some secondary elements on the lateral edges of your nails - these can be other plants, a cliff etc. Also, if you have room left draw birds.
    b) Cu pensula subtire deseneaza forma unui palmier cu cinci crengi. Deseneaza mici frunze pe crengi cu "varful varfului" pensulei tale. Daca vrei adauga cateva elemente secundare pe lateralele unghiilor - pot fi alte plante, stanci etc. De asemenea, daca mai ai loc deseneaza pasari.

9. a) Apply topcoat to your nails. This is the step where you can find mistakes. If you see an area that needs more colour simply wait for the topcoat to dry and put some on that area then apply another layer of topcoat. For example I put too little purple and I only saw it after applying the topcoat. As you can see correcting the mistake wasn't a big deal after the topcoat had dried. It's always easier to add than to remove - that's why it's better to work with small quantities. If it came out perfectly from the first time but you want it to have a super smooth surface put two layers of topcoat.
    b) Aplica topcoat. Acesta este pasul la care poti gasi greselile. Daca vezi o zona in care ar mai trebui culoare pur si simplu asteapta sa se usuce topcoat-ul si mai pune putina in acea zona apoi aplica inca un strat de topcoat. De exemplu eu am pus prea putin mov si am vazut abia dupa ce am dat topcoat-ul. Dupa cum vezi nu a fost o problema sa corectez greseala dupa ce se uscase topcoat-ul. E intotdeauna mai usor sa adaugi decat sa stergi - de aceea e mai bine sa pui cantitati mici. Daca ti-a iesit perfect de la inceput dar vrei sa aiba o suprafata uniforma pune doua straturi de topcoat. 

Too little purple/ Prea putin mov


 The leopard rainbow thingie Chestia cu leopard si curcubeu

 1. a) Put a drop of pink polish on a piece of paper, using tweezers grab a small piece of sponge, dip it in the polish and dab the colour to the upper part of the nails (near the cuticle area) and on the tips.
    b) Pune o picatura de oja roz pe o hartie, cu penseta ia o bucatica de burete, inmoaie-o in oja si pune culoarea prin tapotari pe partea de sus a unghiilor (langa cuticule) si pe varfuri.

2. a) Dab the yellow polish going over the pink a bit. Pink and yellow together will form orange.
    b) Tapoteaza oja galbena mergand putin peste cea roz. Galben cu roz vor forma portocaliu.

3. a) Dab the blue on all of the remaining surface left. Blue and yellow will form green and on the tips (where you put pink) you will get purple.
   b) Tapoteaza albastrul pe toata suprafata ramasa. Albastru si galben vor da verde si pe varfuri (unde ai pus roz) vei avea mov.

 4. a) After it has dried begin drawing the leopard print using a dotting tool and some black polish. The best advice I can give for your print to look natural is to search for an image and try to copy those shapes. Don't do the spots like some semicircles. Draw some of them like circles, some like a "c" shape and vary their dimensions, shapes and lines thicknesses.
    b) Dupa ce s-a uscat incepe sa desenezi petele de leopard cu un instrument pentru puncte si oja neagra. Cel mai bun sfat pe care ti-l pot da ca sa arate natural este sa cauti o imagine si sa incerci sa copiezi formele de acolo. Nu face petele ca niste semicercuri. Deseneaza cateva din ele ca niste cercuri, cateva in forma de "c" si variaza-le dimensiunile, formele si grosimile liniiilor.

 5. a) All you have left to do is to apply two layers of topcoat for a more smooth surface.
    b) Tot ce ti-a ramas de facut este sa aplici doua straturi de topcoat pentru o suprafata mai neteda.

Hoping I didn't bore you to death with this long post I encourage you to try this design. It may look a bit difficult but it's not. And just think of all the satisfaction you're going to get when people admire your work and how your ego will sky-rocket when someone says "Wow you did these all by yourself?". Don't be afraid if you always thought you've got no talent. What really counts is the passion and dedication you put into it. E-mail me or leave a comment with any questions. Good luck!

In speranta ca nu te-am plictisit de moarte cu aceasta postare lunga te incurajez sa incerci acest model. Poate parea un pic dificil dar nu e. Gandeste-te la enorma satisfactie pe care o sa o ai cand cineva iti va admira munca si la cum iti va exploda ego-ul cand cineva va spune "Wow tu ai facut astea?". Nu te speria daca ai crezut tot timpul ca n-ai talent. Ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat este pasiunea si dedicatia pe care o pui in ceea ce faci.
Scrie-mi un mail sau lasa un comentariu cu orice intrebari. Succes!


  1. Superb :D abia astept postul cu cele necesare ptr astfel de minunatii :)

  2. Corina (colega din anu' II)November 28, 2012 9:34 pm

    Hei, am zis ca o sa arunc o privire aici si m-am tinut acum de cuvant. Super interesant ceea ce faci si vad ca ai multe idei. Imi plac alea cu palmierul tropical mult :D Chiar cred ca o sa ai succes cu blogul pentru cele pasionate de arta pe unghii, fiindca e bine organizat si tu esti talentata. Mult succes in continuare!

    P.S.: Arati super cu sprancenele "la locul lor" (parerea mea). Si, in plus, vad ca cochetezi si cu fotografia putin (daca sunt facute de tine), ceea ce inseamna ca avem un punct in comun. Daca ai timp, uite contul meu de pe deviantart(, nu sunt cine stie ce ca nu am o camera profesionala, dar ma straduiesc si eu :P

    1. Corina, multumesc mult ca ai intrat si ma bucur ca iti plac! Eu ma ocup si cu modelling, cu fotografia sunt cam nula. Pozele cu produsele sunt facute de mine dar cele cu unghiile sunt opera iubitului meu care e incepator dar cred ca o sa ajunga departe, am eu incredere in el :) Imi plac pozele tale, preferata mea e cea cu fluturele.


Please be polite/ Te rog sa fii politicoasa =)