March 03, 2013

Manicure: How to apply nail polish/ Manichiura: Cum sa aplici oja

Only recently I managed to learn how to properly apply polish. Practice is the most important thing. After trying and trying I finally got it. Knowing the right way to do it will not help if you don't practice.

De-abia recent am reusit sa invat cum sa aplic oja bine. Practica este cel mai important lucru. Dupa ce am incercat si iar am incercat intr-un final am reusit. Degeaba stii modul corect de a o face daca nu exersezi.

A few things about nail polish:

Cateva lucruri despre oja:

1. a) Always use a basecoat before applying nail polish. Besides preventing staining and other damage, it will improve the wear of your polish. Make sure it says "basecoat" on it.
   b) Intotdeauna foloseste o baza inainte de a aplica oja. In afara de prevenirea patarii si altor neplaceri, va prelungi tinuta ojei tale. Asigura-te ca scrie "baza" sau "basecoat" pe ea.

2. a) Try to buy polishes and basecoats that don't contain toluene, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and formaldehyde. A formula without these ingredients is less toxic. I don't know very much about the first two but I do know that on a long term formaldehyde makes your nails breakable.
    b) Incearca sa cumperi oje si baze care sa nu contina toluen, dibutil ftalat (DBP) si formaldehida. O formula fara acestea este mai putin toxica. Nu stiu prea multe despre primele doua dar stiu sigur ca pe termen lung formaldehida iti face unghiile casante.

3. a) Prefer getting a good quality nail polish (even if it's more expensive) rather than five cheap ones. A good quality nail polish applies easily, self-levels, and usually has a good wear.
   b) Prefera sa-ti iei o oja de calitate buna (chiar daca e mai scumpa) mai degraba decat cinci ieftine. O oja de calitate buna se aplica usor, se auto-niveleaza si de obicei are o tinuta buna.

4. a) Always ask if the bottle has been opened. If you get an affirmative answer consider not buying the polish. I like saying cosmetic products are like a time bomb. The moment they have been opened, "the bomb" starts ticking and when it blows, the product expires :P Most cosmetic products have a little box symbol with a number followed by "M" (6M, 12M, etc.). This symbol stands for the time period in which the product can be safely used after it's been opened (six months, twelve months, etc.). If you buy a nail polish that has been opened there is a risk it will become unusable a lot faster. You can fix its consistency adding nail polish thinner (NOT remover) but it's better buying it completely new in the first place.
    b) Intotdeauna intreaba daca sticluta a fost deschisa. Daca primesti un raspuns afirmativ gandeste-te inca o data daca sa cumperi oja. Mie imi place sa spun ca produsele cosmetice sunt ca o bomba cu ceas. In momentul in care au fost deschise, "bomba" incepe sa ticaie si cand explodeaza, produsul expira :P Majoritatea produselor cosmetice au simbolul unei cutiute pe care este scris un numar urmat de "M" (6M, 12M, etc.). Acest simbol arata perioada de timp in care produsul poate fi folosit in siguranta dupa ce a fost deschis (sase luni, douasprezece luni, etc.). Daca vei cumpara o oja care a fost deschisa exista risul sa devina inutilizabila mult mai repede. Ii poti remedia consistenta adaugandu-i diluant pentru oja (NU dizolvant) dar este mai bine sa o cumperi complet noua de la inceput.

5. a) A good nail polish has a medium consistency - not too runny, not too thick. If it's too liquid it will flood your cuticles and side walls and if it's too thick the application will be difficult and it will trap air bubbles easily. Expect very pigmented polishes (white, black, dark colours) to thicken faster.You can fix them with thinner.
    b) O oja buna are o consistenta medie - nici ca apa, nici prea groasa. Daca e prea lichida iti va inunda cuticulele si lateralele si daca e prea groasa aplicarea va fi dificila si va prinde usor bule de aer. Asteapta-te ca ojele foarte pigmentate (alb, negru, culori inchise) sa se ingroase mai repede. Poti sa le repari cu diluant.

6. a) I think there are some things in today's world we cannot remain indifferent to. One of those is animal testing. Please don't buy from companies that carry such tests, pay others to do so or use ingredients that have been recently tested on animals. These tests are extremely cruel and completely unnecessary and irrelevant. The best way to know for sure if a company is cruelty-free is to send them an e-mail (but pay attention to the answer as many companies try to deceive consumers). Read more about this here - Types of animal testing. It took me a long time to find a reliable list of companies that don't test on animals, but I finally found it -  Cruelty Free & Vegan Brand List. Tashina, the owner of this blog is a very dedicated animal-lover and she contacted all these brands to find out their stance on animal testing. Also, I appreciate her for being able to tell when answers were fishy :P If you have a company which you want her to check on, you can write her a comment.
    b) Cred ca sunt cateva lucruri in lumea de astazi la care nu putem ramane indiferenti. Unul dintre acestea este testarea pe animale. Te rog nu cumpara de la companii care fac asemenea teste, platesc pe altii ca sa faca pentru ei sau folosesc ingrediente care au fost recent testate pe animale. Aceste teste sunt de o cruzime extrema, irelevante si de asemenea nu sunt necesare. Cea mai buna cale de a afla daca o companie testeaza sau nu pe animale este sa le trimiti un e-mail (dar fii atenta la raspuns pentru ca multe companii incearca sa induca in eroare consumatorii). Citeste mai multe despre acest subiect aici - Types of animal testing . Mi-a luat mult sa gasesc o lista pe care te poti baza de companii care nu testeaza pe animale, dar intr-un final am gasit-o - Cruelty Free & Vegan Brand List. Tashina, persoana care are acest blog este o foarte dedicata iubitoare de animale si a contactat toate aceste marci ca sa afle pozitia lor cu privire la testarea pe animale. De asemenea,  o apreciez pentru capacitatea de a-si da seama cand raspunsurile au fost dubioase :P Daca stii o companie pe care ai vrea ca ea sa o verifice, ii poti scrie un comentariu.


You may have heard about the "three stroke method". It means you apply a stripe of polish on the middle of your nail until the end of it and the other two on the sides. The disadvantage this method has is that it can be used successfully only on shorter nails. The method I am using and will be showing you works for both short and long nails. It also makes brush strokes invisible.

Probabil ca ai auzit de "metoda cu trei tuse". Presupune sa aplici o dunga de oja pe mijlocul unghiei pana la capatul ei si celelalte doua pe laterale. Dezavantajul acestei metode este ca poate fi folosita cu succes doar pe unghii mai scurte. Metoda pe care o folosesc eu si pe care o sa ti-o arat merge atat pe unghii scurte cat si lungi. De asemenea va face urmele de pensula invizibile.

1. a) The polish will be applied in two coats - first one has to be thin and the second one thicker. Start by placing a drop of polish near the cuticle, in the middle of the nail. Slowly move the brush upwards. Don't push the polish, just let it slide. Stop as near to the cuticle as possible without touching it.
   b) Oja va fi aplicata in doua straturi - primul trebuie sa fie subtire iar al doilea mai gros. Incepe prin a plasa o picatura de oja langa cuticula, pe mijlocul unghiei. Misca pensula incet in sus. Nu impinge oja, lasa-o sa alunece. Opreste-te cat de aproape posibil de cuticula fara a o atinge.

2. a) Gradually, move downwards covering the whole width of the nail. If necessary, reload the brush for the remaining part of the nail. Don't forget the edge of your nails!
    b) Gradual, mergi in jos acoperind intreaga latime a unghiei. Daca este necesar, reincarca pensula pentru partea ramasa. Nu uita muchia unghiilor!

3. a) After the first coat has dried, apply the second one in the same way. Clean up the skin with a cuticle pusher while the polish is still wet.
    b) Dupa ce primul strat s-a uscat, aplica-l pe al doilea in acelasi fel. Curata pielea cu un betisor de cuticule cat oja e inca umeda.

4. a) Basecoat and topcoat are applied in the same way.
    b) Baza si topcoat-ul se aplica la fel.

How to prevent air bubbles:
Cum sa previi formarea bulelor de aer:

1. a) Wash your hands with soap before applying basecoat and polish. There is no need to wipe your nails with alcohol unless they are naturally very greasy.  
    b) Spala-ti mainile cu sapun inainte sa aplici baza si oja. Nu este nevoie sa stergi unghiile cu alcool decat daca sunt in mod natural foarte "grase".

2. a) Don't shake the bottle before applying the polish. Roll it gently or if you haven't used it for a long time shake it well and let it sit about five minutes (or more if it's a bit thicker) so that any air bubbles reach the surface.
    b) Nu scutura sticluta inainte sa aplici oja. Rostogoleste-o delicat sau daca nu ai folosit-o in ultima vreme scutur-o bine si las-o sa stea cam cinci minute (sau mai mult daca e mai groasa) ca eventualele bule de aer sa ajunga la suprafata.

3. a) Basecoat and the first polish coat must be applied thinly. Also, make sure each coat is dry before applying the next one.
    b) Baza si primul strat de oja trebuie aplicate subtire. De asemenea, asigura-te ca fiecare srat este uscat inainte de a-l aplica pe urmatorul.

4. a) If the nail polish you want to use is a bit thick and you are worried you could get bubbles, press the brush a little firmer when applying the second coat. Usually, this will make the bubbles pop.
    b) Daca oja pe care vrei s-o folosesti este putin mai groasa si ti-e teama ca vei avea bule, apasa pensula putin mai ferm cand aplici al doilea strat. De obicei, acest lucru va face bulele sa se sparga.

5. a) Don't shake your hands trying to get the polish to dry faster.
    b) Nu iti scutura mainile incercand sa faci oja sa se usuce mai repede.

Here is the video I made to show you exactly. The basecoat I'm using dries to a matte and sheer finish and that's why it looks like I've got nothing on.

Aici este clipul pe care l-am facut ca sa-ti arat exact. Baza pe care o folosesc e mata si transparenta cand se usuca asa ca de aceea arata de parca nu am nimic.

Hope you found this post useful! If there are things I've missed please point it out in a comment. I feel like there was some more to say but I can't remember exactly what. Anyway, I can't wait to show you the design I've done on the stunning metallic pink polish I'm applying in the video :D Byeee!

Sper ca ti s-a parut folositor acest articol! Daca sunt lucruri care mi-au scapat te rog mentioneaza intr-un comentariu. Mi se pare ca mai era ceva de zis dar nu-mi amintesc exact ce anume. In orice caz, abia astept sa-ti arat design-ul pe care l-am facut pe oja geniala roz metalizat pe care o aplic in clip :D Paaaa!


  1. Replies
    1. :)) si eu am exersat de mi-au sarit capacele pana am ajuns sa nu ma mai spoiesc.

  2. Foarte intersant articolul.Multumesc.

    1. Multumesc si eu! Ma bucur ca a fost de ajutor :)

  3. Bunaa!
    Imi place mult blogul tau, multumesc ca impartasesti atatea lucruri utile cu noi. Scrii in postarea de mai sus: Incearca sa cumperi oje si baze care sa nu contina toluen, dibutil ftalat (DBP) si formaldehida. Si eu caut sa ma indrept spre asa ceva. Din experienta ta care ar fi marcile care nu folosesc aceste ingrediente, si care sa fie si la un pret accesibil?
    Am vazut ca marca Orly scrie ca nu folosesc aceste ingrediente, dar sunt mai scumpe. Poate poti sa ma ajuti cu cateva sugestii
    Pupici! Iuliana
    Nu ma prea descurc cu postarile, asa ca am trecut anonimus Mailul meu este


Please be polite/ Te rog sa fii politicoasa =)