June 19, 2013

Colourful flowers - tropical forest inspired (one of my older manicures)/ Flori colorate - inspirate de padurile tropicale(una din manichiurile mele mai vechi)

This is a manicure I did a year ago :P I wasn't inspired at all and decided to paint my nails white and apply a sheer gold on top (it isn't very noticeable). But after a day or so I couldn't stand looking at my simple nails anymore and then BAM! it hit me :)) I was so inspired I did this wonderful one stroke design on my left hand. But then I got lazy and didn't want to do it on my right hand too so I came up with this psychedelic floral design hehe :D
I don't recommend going for simpler designs on your dominant hand. The more you paint, the better you will become at it ;)

Aceasta este o manichiura pe care mi-am facut-o acum un an :P Nu eram inspirata deloc asa ca am decis sa-mi pictez unghiile cu alb peste care am aplicat un auriu transparent (nu prea se observa). Dar dupa vreo zi, nu mai suportam sa-mi vad unghiile simple si atunci BAM! m-a lovit :)) Am fost asa inspirata ca mi-am facut design-ul acesta genial one stroke pe mana stanga. Dar dupa aceea m-am lenevit si n-am vrut sa mi-l fac si pe mana dreapta asa ca am scos acest design floral psihedelic hehe :D
Nu recomand sa-ti faci design-uri mai simple pe mana dominanta. Cu cat pictezi mai mult, cu atat o sa iasa mai bine ;)

Please excuse my cuticles, back then I didn't use to moisturise them before taking pictures.
You can read about how to do one stroke painting here - The one stroke technique!. The leaves were done by taking three colours on the brush - black and green as usual and a bit of yellow on top of the green.
The leaves on the psychedelic design were done by taking two colours on the tip of a small detail brush and then painting normally.

Te rog scuza-mi cuticulele, pe-atunci nu obisnuiam sa le hidratez inainte sa fac poze.
Poti citi despre cum se face pictura one stroke aici - Tehnica one stroke!. Frunzele au fost facute luand trei culori cu pensula - negru si verde ca de obicei si putin galben peste verde.
Frunzele din design-ul psihedelic au fost facute luand doua culori pe varful  unei pensule mici pentru detalii si apoi pictand normal.

After showing you how to use watercolours for painting your nails and how to create 3-D acrylic pieces, I'll show you some other AWESOME designs I did in the past, also including my personal favourites out of all my creations ;)

Dupa ce o sa-ti arat cum se folosesc acuarelele pentru pictura pe unghii si cum sa creezi piese 3-D din acryl, o sa-ti arat alte design-uri GENIALE pe care le-am facut in trecut, printre care si favoritele mele dintre toate creatiile mele ;)

Hope you liked this design :D I sure enjoyed wearing it! See you!

Sper ca ti-a placut acest design :D Mie cu siguranta mi-a placut sa-l port! Pe curand!


  1. Foarte interesant modelul ,imi place mult ;)

  2. Imi place tare modelul. Este deosebit, abstract si foarte colorat.

  3. Oau! Cat de bine poate a arate! Felicitari!


Please be polite/ Te rog sa fii politicoasa =)