November 23, 2012

How I got into nail art/ Cum m-am apucat de arta pe unghii

Until the summer of 2011 I didn't even know nail art existed. I didn't take care of my nails, I didn't use basecoat, I was too lazy to remove my polish when it started chipping and as a result they looked like crap. They were also very, very short and I had fun peeling off pieces of them (!) as they were brittle, dry and they chipped a lot. Horror!

But then, something changed. I have a sister who has always loved nails ever since she was little. So naturally when she got older (she is only 2 years my junior) she started caring for them and growing them. And in that summer she reached an astonishing length and her nails were so, so beautiful that I wanted mine to be like that too!

And that was it! I started watching nail art videos on Youtube and I slowly learned all that I know today :)

Pana in vara lui 2011 nici nu stiam ca exista arta pe unghii. Nu aveam grija de unghiile mele, nu foloseam baza inainte de oja, eram prea lenesa sa-mi sterg oja cand incepea sa se cojeasca si in consecinta aratau ca dracu. Erau si foarte, foarte scurte si ma distram rupand bucati din ele - erau fragile, uscate si se exfoliau rau. Ingrozitor!

Dar atunci s-a schimbat ceva. Am o sora careia i-au placut tot timpul unghiile inca de cand era mica. Asa ca evident cand s-a facut mare (e cu doar 2 ani mai mica decat mine) a inceput sa isi ingrijeasca unghiile si sa le creasca. Si in vara aceea a ajuns la o lungime extraordinara si unghiile ei erau atat de frumoase incat am vrut ca si ale mele sa fie asa!

Si aia a fost! Am inceput sa ma uit la tutoriale de arta pe unghii pe Youtube si incet-incet am invatat tot ce stiu astazi :)

Me and me sister/ Eu cu sor-mea

My sister's nails/ Unghiile surorii mele


  1. Waw, sora ta chiar avea unghiile superbe. Chiar ai avut ce sa te motiveze :)
    Oricum, in momentul de fata unghiile tale sunt uimitor de frumoase, deci a meritat tot efortul.

    1. Daaa, le are divine, tot timpul i le venerez cand sunt asa lungi :)) Multumesc mult :D si-ale tale o sa fie frum daca ai mai multa grija ^^

  2. ce unghii frumoase are sora ta

    1. Iti multumeste :D Foarte rar ma lasa sa i le pictez si acum le are scurte dar cand ii cresc n-o mai las sa scape! :))


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